Last week I got the privilege to sit down with my friend Bubba at the Kentucky Baptist Headquarters in Louisville, KY. Bubba has been a huge supporter and he also sees the value of training people in the church for music and worship.
Worship Band Builder and Eric Roberts on Thom Rainer Podcast
Testimonies from Students of the Foundations Courses
In a very short time, anyone can learn the skills needed to be useful in the ministry in your church and community. I have made this process simple for you, as the church leader, and for your whole church. Listen to these stories about how God has used the courses in the WTK foundations to inspire and grow worship musicians!
“My daughter has been energized about learning the guitar. Up until now, it’s been me trying to show her chords and how to form her fingers. This course has given her a purpose… Now she’s looking at it and saying “ahh there is an end goal out in front of me! There is a song I’m going to learn how to play!” I think this is what is so attractive about this… You’ve done a great job of packing it in a way that gives people an end goal in addition to following a calling that maybe God has put in their heart to lead worship. But there is a short term goal in front of them that they can learn a song and they can learn it together within a community of friends.
Setting Expectations is Key for Success in Worship Ministry // Worship Band Builder
This video is a conversation about setting expectations in the worship ministry and continually training to raise people to meet those expectations. Here are some of the things I’m discussing in this video:
If we are on the stage, we should be practicing and performing with excellence as worship musicians. Leading worship is not a place to be practicing. Leaders should set high expectations and help people reach their goals.
Getting good is really about consistency over time! Set good expectations up front…. some are the basics but they are the foundations of a strong worship team and a strong worship experience for your church.
What are some of the basics that are important?
Show up to practice
If you can’t practice, you can’t play (do you think you are too awesome to practice?)
Get there early
Plan for things to go bad
Think of everything before it happens
Things don’t happen TO you they happen BECAUSE of you!
If you feel like you want to quit… it’s mostly your fault
Not practicing enough
Not getting there early enough
Not preparing correctly
Not planning far enough in advance
Some people have an expectation of mediocrity. Bust that right up by setting HIGH expectation for excellence.
People around you will do two things when you set high expectations.
They will shed off…. they will quit
People will rise to the expectations, get excited and your team will get awesome
When you set the expectations so high… people will be afraid to show up and not know their parts… They will rise up and your whole team will get better.
Some people may complain and even call you a jerk if you set high expectation… they may even say “that worship leader isn’t interested in worship”…… huh? It’s true, some people think if you practice too much, you aren’t letting the Holy Spirit move in your services.
You want the people around you to be the people that desire to be good and be excellent.