You can transform your Sunday morning worries into God-honoring, congregation-encouraging, stress-free worship time!
Dear Pastor/Church Leader,
It’s Sunday morning. You’re standing in the front row, trying to lead by example. You’re trying to worship, but what is that buzzing noise? You wonder if anyone will be watching the live stream this week, or if it will even get sent out. The drummer is too loud again, and the bass player seems to be making up his part as he goes along. You close your eyes and pray, “God, please just help them remember to turn my mic on before I start talking.”
If you can relate to this experience, then keep reading. The solution to your Sunday morning struggles is on this page.
What To Do When You Have Nothing And Nobody
What if I told you the people you need to have a successful ministry are in your church right now? Do you believe that God will send you the right people?
Many people will sit in your church for years hiding their talent and abilities unless they are asked to serve and given clear direction for using their talents.
If you start training your church members now, you will arrive at a point where you never lack the musicians needed for your weekly worship services.
Better than paying outside musicians: training members of your church family to lead worship will end the pay for play cycle and give you long term success.
We Help You Put Training In Place For Successful Growth In Your Worship Ministry
It’s impossible to keep volunteers involved in the worship team, right? Wrong! We show you how to protect your people from burn out in our leadership training
Use this simple method to ensure that the more experienced musicians are mentoring younger musicians in your church.
The number one mindset to help you take your team to the next level and not get stuck in a rut.
Dynamic Worship Leader Team Eric And Emily Roberts Walk You Through Every Step.
After a radical conversion to Christ as a teenager, Eric began learning to lead worship in his local youth group. After earning a Bachelor of Music Education, he continued serving for many years as a staff worship pastor.
Together, Eric and Emily have led worship, trained teams, published books, and taught seminars to help the local church build strong worship ministries. With more than 800 video tutorials and over14,000 YouTube subscribers, they have spent 2 decades teaching people to learn fast, play well, and worship always.
What is Worship Band Builder?
Worship the King’s Worship Band Builder Training Platform is the complete, all-in-one course collection designed to train volunteers in every area of worship ministry.
The Worship Band Builder Training Platform offers instruction in piano, drums, bass, voice, and acoustic and electric guitar, as well as audio/sound engineering, and livestream technology. The key to a healthy, thriving worship team is continual and intentional training. Worship Band Builder’s online lessons make training volunteers easy. Each course was created with the specific needs of worship ministry in mind. Do you have a really expensive sound board, but nobody knows how to run it? We can fix that. Is it a struggle every week to find enough musicians? We can help. Are you hesitating to begin live-streaming your services? We make getting started easy and affordable. We’ve created hundreds of videos to answer these questions and so many more. And if you can’t find a lesson that fills your need, we’ll make one, just for you.
Step-By-Step Courses
Foundational Lessons to Help Build The Skill You Need to Join The Worship Ministry Team
Acoustic and Electric Guitar, Piano, Voice, Drums, Bass, Theory and Leadership
Podcasts, Master Classes, Webinars and Downloads
Song Charts, Song Lessons, Skill Building Exercises
Tech Templates, Audio Mixing Downloads
Expert Advice Via Online Chat, Livestreams, and Email
Why Listen To Me?
I’ve dedicated my life to training and building worship teams. I’ve created the Worship Band Builder modules over the past 25 years while leading and building my own local church worship teams.
Part of My Story:
I started my journey by meeting Christ on a hill in my backyard when my friend let me to Christ using the little yellow 4 Spiritual Laws track. I was 17 years old. I joined the local church youth group and was mentored to lead worship by a few amazing youth leaders. A few years later I began leading worship for the big church. Along the way, I learned to train and grow my own teams. I have compiled all of my training materials, tools, tips, and leadership tools in the new Worship Band Builder site.
My Church Uses the Worship Band Builder Training Platform:
I recently helped my home church in Nashville, TN grow from one worship team to a full four band rotating worship ministry with a youth band and a full volunteer tech team. During the days of the pandemic I built and led the technical team as we began our journey to live stream our services. We now stream each week to Facebook and Youtube and our tech team is run completely by volunteers.
Using techniques and training in the Worship Band Builder Membership our worship ministry team at the Church at the Spring Hill has grown steadily over the past 18 months. Our team now consists of over 30% of our church, making it the largest ministry area in the church.
The things we have done at our church this past year can be done at any church. It’s now easier than ever to duplicate my success because I’ve created the road map and compiled the training and tools you need to build your worship ministry.
““You give them basic training so that any church can build a worship team with those who are already in the church ”
“Eric has a great program. I know this is going to be used by God and I think your church and benefit from it. ”
Take Your First Step
The Worship Band Builder Training Platform takes the stress out of team building. Your team will grow, relationships will develop, your church will grow, and your leadership will start smiling again. For one low price, everyone in your church will have access to this exhaustive catalog of curriculum, and it’s as easy as falling off a log.
There’s no time like the present. Start today by applying for training and I will personally reach out and help you get the best price and a strong start to training and transforming your worship team.
The Worship Band Builder Training Platform is a comprehensive series of online lessons created to meet the needs of worship ministry teams and leaders.
Volunteers can learn everything from where to add backup vocals, to how to finger the lead line on an electric guitar, and they can do it all in the comfort and convenience of their own homes.
Worship leaders will find invaluable insight and encouragement from the leadership curriculum as well.
Streamlining scheduling, executing seamless transitions, and creating congregation engaging set lists are just a few of the ministry enhancing skills a leader can gain from the Worship Band Builder Training Platform.